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Fig 1.

Phylogenetic analysis of the ITS-nuc18S-nuc28S-rpb2-β-tubulin sequences of the Calosphaeriales.

Phylogram inferred from the ML analysis with RAxML using a GTRCAT model of evolution. Only high branch support is shown at the nodes, maximum likelihood bootstrap support (ML BS) ≥ 70% and Bayesian posterior probability (PP) ≥ 0.95. Taxa given in bold represent taxonomic novelties.

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Fig 1 Expand

Fig 2.

Phylogenetic analysis of the ITS-β-tubulin-actin sequences of 44 species of Phaeoacremonium.

Phylogram inferred from the ML analysis with RAxML using a GTRCAT model of evolution. Only high branch support is shown at the nodes (MP BS ≥ 70%, PP ≥ 0.95). 2D diagram of a three-way junction composed of three helices labelled and colour-coded by H1 (green), H2 (grey), and H3 (purple) and the corresponding single stranded loop regions labelled L1 to L3 with nucleotides colour-coded in blue. The habitat of individual species is given according to Gramaje et al. [29] and illustrated with symbols and letters: ● human infections, ♣ Vitis vinifera, ♠ Prunus spp., ♦ other plants, A arthropods and S soil. Two subclades, P. minimum and P. parasiticum, are illustrated by asci and ascospores of four species: (A, C) P. novae-zealandiae (DAOM 35410). (B, D) P. fraxinopennsylvanicum (CBS 128920). (E, G) P. cinereum (PRM 934331). (F, H) P. vibratile (J.F. 04237). Taxa given in bold are known also as sexual morphs.

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Fig 2 Expand

Fig 3.

Predicted secondary structure models of ITS1 rRNA of type and representative species of genera of the Calosphaeriaceae.

The predicted ‘ring’ models are transformed into linear models with helices separated into four domains labelled D1 to D4. A three-way junction in D3 composed of three helices labelled and colour-coded by H1 (green), H2 (grey), and H3 (purple) and the corresponding single stranded loop regions labelled L1 to L3 with nucleotides colour-coded in blue.

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Fig 3 Expand

Fig 4.

Predicted secondary structure model of ITS1 rRNA of Pleurostoma ootheca of the Pleurostomataceae.

Symbols and colours as in Fig 3.

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Fig 4 Expand

Fig 5.

Predicted secondary structure models of ITS1 rRNA of Phaeoacremonium minimum, P. parasiticum and P. sicilianum.

Symbols and colours as in Fig 3.

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Fig 5 Expand

Table 1.

Number of nucleotides in D1–D4 domains of ITS1 rDNA of members of the Calosphaeriales and Togniniales.

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Table 1 Expand

Fig 6.

Predicted secondary structure model of ITS2 rRNA of Calosphaeria pulchella.

The ‘ring’ model is composed of four domains labelled D1 to D4. The basal parts of D1–D3 colour-coded by green and single-stranded areas colour-coded by blue represent conserved areas in all members of the Calosphaeriales and Togniniales. D4 domain of the: (A) Calosphaeriaceae. (B) Pleurostomataceae. (C) Togniniaceae.

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Fig 6 Expand

Fig 7.

Flabellascus tenuirostris, a lignicolous species with long projecting necks.

(A, B) Ascomata. (C) Vertical section (lateral part) of the ascoma. (D–F, I) Asci attached to ascogenous hyphae in spicate or fan-like arrangements. (G, H) Asci. (J) Detail of ascogenous hypha. (K) Paraphyses. DIC (C–F, H, I), PC (G, J, K), bar = 250 μm (A, B), 25 μm (C), 10 μm (D, E, I), 5 μm (F–H, J), 20 μm (K). PRM 934327 holotype (A, B, F), M.R. 3691 (C, G, H, J, K), M.R. 3815 (D, E), M.R. 3821(I).

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Fig 7 Expand

Fig 8.

Flabellascus tenuirostris with conidiophores and conidia of two types.

(A–C, H) Conidiophores with phialides in whorls. (D) Phialides with type I and type II conidia. (E–G) Phialides with type I conidia aggregated in slimy heads. (I) Type I conidia. (J, K) Type II conidia. (L) Aerial hypha with prominent exudate droplets observed as warts. (M) Colony. DIC (A–H, K, L), PC (I, J), bar = 10 μm (A–H, L), 5 μm (I–K), 0.5 cm (M). CBS 138690 (A, M on MLA 14 d), CBS 138680 (B, C, K on PCA 14 d), CBS 139026 (D–H, J, K on PCA, 14 d), CBS 138692 (L on MLA 14 d).

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Fig 8 Expand

Fig 9.

Jattaea aphanospora, a lignicolous species on the host and in culture.

(A, B) Ascomata. (C, D) Vertical section (lateral parts) of the ascoma. (E–G) Asci. (H, I) Ascospores. (J) Conidia. (K, L) Adelophialides. DIC (C–H, J–L), PC (I), bar = 500 μm (A, B), 100 μm (C), 20 μm (D), 5 μm (E–L). PRM 934328 holotype (A–L, J–L on MLA 14 d).

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Fig 9 Expand

Fig 10.

Jattaea ribicola, a lignicolous species with golden-brown tomentum.

(A–D) Ascomata. (E, F) Vertical section of the ascoma. (G–I) Asci. (J) Ascospores. (K, L) Ascogenous cells, asci and paraphyses. (M, N) Colony. (O–Q) Adelophialides. (R) Inflated conidia producing additional conidia from a single phialidic opening. (S) Conidia. DIC (E–J, O–S), PC (K, L), bar = 1000 μm (A–C), 500 μm (D), 50 μm (E, F), 10 μm (G–I, K, L, O, P), 5 μm (J, R, S), 1 cm (M, N). PRM 934329 holotype (A–L), CBS 139779 ex-type (M, O–S on MLA 21 d, N on MLA 30 d).

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Fig 10 Expand

Fig 11.

Jattaea taediosa, a lignicolous species with multiseptate ascospores producing ascoconidia.

(A) Ascomata. (B) Ascus dehiscence. (C, D, J) Asci filled with numerous ascoconidia and eight ascospores. (E–I) Ascospores (arrows indicate either loci in the middle cells or short pegs in the terminal cells from which ascoconidia are produced). (K) Paraphyses. (L) Colony. DIC (C, D, J, G–I), PC (B, E, F, K), bar = 400 μm (A), 10 μm (B–D, J, K), 5 μm (E–I), 0.5 cm (L). C 69338 (A, C, J, H, I), PRM 934412 (B, D, E, F, K; L on MLA 21 d).

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Fig 11 Expand

Fig 12.

Jattaea aurea, a lignicolous species with a golden tomentum surrounding ascomata.

(A–C) Ascomata. (D) Colony. (E–H) Phialides. (I–K) Adelophialides. (L) Conidia and two inflated conidia with a single phialidic opening. DIC (E–L), bar: 300 μm (A–C), 1 cm (D), 10 μm (E–K), 5 μm (L). J.P.P. 11242 (A–C), CBS 140209 (D–L on MLA 14 d).

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Fig 12 Expand

Fig 13.

Jattaea tumidula on the host and in culture.

(A–C) Ascomata. (D–G) Asci (arrow indicates a bristle-like appendage). (H) Ascospores. (I) Colony. (J) Conidia. (K) Adelophialide. (L–N) Phialides. DIC (E–H, J, L–N), PC (D, K), bar = 500 μm (A–C), 10 μm (D–H, K–N), 5 μm (J), 1 cm (I). PRM 934330 (A–M), CBS 140208 (H, J–M on MLA 14 d, I 21 d).

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Fig 13 Expand

Fig 14.

Phaeoacremonium cinereum on the host and in culture.

(A) Ascomata on the host. (B) Vertical section of the ascoma. (C, D) Ascomata in vitro. (E–H) Asci. (I) Ascospores. (J–L) Conidiophores with phialides. (M, N) Conidia. (O, P) Asci with paraphyses in vitro. (Q) Colony. DIC (E–J, M, P), PC (K, L, N, O), bar = 500 μm (A, C, D), 50 μm B), 10 μm (E–L, O, P), 5 μm (M, N), 0.5 cm (Q). PRM 934331 (A, B, E–I), CBS 138685 (C, D, J–Q on MLA 21).

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Fig 14 Expand

Fig 15.

Two lignicolous species of Pleurostoma with stipitate ascomata.

(A–C) Pleurostoma candollei: Ascomata. (D–J) Pleurostoma ootheca: (D) Vertical section of the ascoma. (E, H) Polysporous ascus with a bristle-like appendage. (F, I, J) Polysporous asci (arrows point at the robust stipes attached to cells on ascogenous hyphae and indicate thickening at the apex). (G) Polysporous ascus with a conspicuous thickening (arrow points at the asymmetrically thickened apex). DIC (D, G), PC (E, F, H–J), bar = 100 μm (A–C), 50 μm (D), 5 μm (E–J). J.F. 06057 (A, B), M.R. 3559 (C), K 122386 holotype of P. ootheca (D, G), K 122385 (E, F, H–J).

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Fig 15 Expand