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Table 1.

Populations of P. toxostoma (PT) and C. nasus (CN) studied plus sample sizes for hybrids (H) in sympatric zones.

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Table 1 Expand

Figure 1.

The neighbour-joining tree including all DAB-like alleles identified in P. toxostoma and C. nasus.

The alleles found in pure specimens of both species, i.e. P. toxostoma (Pato-DAB alleles) and C. nasus (Chna-DAB alleles), are shown in black. The alleles shared between two species are shown in red, and those identified exclusively in hybrids are shown in green; both of them are termed as Pctn-DAB alleles. All alleles found in hybrids (i.e. species-specific, common or exclusively hybrid) are shown with #. Bootstrap values >50% are shown.

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Figure 1 Expand

Figure 2.

Distribution of DAB-like alleles in P. toxostoma (A), C. nasus (B), and hybrid (C) specimens.

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Figure 2 Expand

Figure 3.

Frequency of the DAB1 and DAB3 expression patterns in P. toxostoma and C. nasus populations.

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Figure 3 Expand

Table 2.

The average rates of non-synonymous (dN) and synonymous (dS) substitutions (mean and standard errors obtained using 1000 bootstrap replicates), Z-test of positive selection with p-value included.

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Table 2 Expand

Figure 4.

Approximate posterior means of ω under the M8 random sites model.

Approximate posterior means of ω calculated as the weighted average of ω over the 11 site classes and weighted by the posterior probabilities under the M8 random sites model are shown for DAB-like sequence variants for P. toxostoma (A) and for C. nasus (B). Sites inferred to be under positive selection at the 99% level are indicated by large white squares and those at the 95% level are indicated by small white squares. The reference sequences in the graphic presentation are the following: Pato-DAB3*01 for P. toxostoma and Chna-DAB3*02 for C. nasus.

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Figure 4 Expand

Table 3.

Log-likelihood values and parameter estimates under random-site models for P. toxostoma and C. nasus.

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Table 3 Expand

Figure 5.

Genetic structure of P. toxostoma and C. nasus populations in MHC IIB genes and microsatellites.

Genetic structure of P. toxostoma and C. nasus populations in MHC IIB genes (A, B) and microsatellites (C) inferred from Structure analysis for K = 2. The squares, circles and triangles correspond to C. nasus, P. toxostoma and hybrids identification based on the cyt b and microsatellites. Assignment of populations and hybrid samples to P. toxostoma and C. nasus clusters using MHC IIB genes is shown on the map (A).

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Figure 5 Expand

Figure 6.

Probabilities assignation of specimens inferred from Structure using MHC and microsatellites.

The red squares, green circles and yellow triangles correspond to C. nasus, P. toxostoma and hybrids identified using cyt b and microsatellites.

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Figure 6 Expand

Table 4.

Microsatellite diversity for P. toxostoma populations (PT), C. nasus populations (CN) and hybrid sample (H) including number of different alleles (Na), number of private alleles, allelic richness per sample with sample size >8 (i.e. per population or hybrid sample).

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Table 4 Expand