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Figure 1.

OL distribution of D. melanogaster CNPs.

OL distribution of CNPs was studied according to three reconstructions of Drosophila genus gene order evolution: OLC, GO, and GOO (see main text for definitions). Lam OLs were used as proxy for the D. melanogaster peripherome. Expected measures were obtained after assigning new random locations to all CNPs, respecting their chromosome arm distribution (10,000 replicates). Pupper and Plower values represent the fraction of random simulations with measures larger or equal, and lower or equal than the observed ones, respectively.

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Figure 1 Expand

Figure 2.

Association between gene order disruption and gonadal gene expression.

The association of gene order-disrupting chromosome rearrangement breakpoints with ovary- and testis-specific genes was studied according to three reconstructions of Drosophila genus gene order evolution: OLC, GO, and GOO (see main text for definitions). Expected measures were obtained after random permutation of testis- and ovary-specific gene tags, respecting their chromosome arm distribution (10,000 replicates). Pupper and Plower values represent the fraction of random simulations with measures larger or equal, and lower or equal than the observed ones, respectively.

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Figure 2 Expand

Figure 3.

Association between gonadal gene expression and the evolution of gene order.

Singleton and unisyntenic genes represent genes where gene order was disrupted at one or both sides in the Drosophila genus, respectively. Bisyntenic genes represent genes with complete gene order stability in the Drosophila genus (see main text for detailed definitions). The association between gene order stability/disruption and gonadal specific gene expression was studied according to three reconstructions of Drosophila genus gene order evolution: OLC, GO, and GOO (see main text for definitions). Expected measures were obtained after random permutation of testis- and ovary-specific gene tags, respecting their chromosome arm distribution (10,000 replicates). Pupper and Plower values represent the fraction of random simulations with measures larger or equal, and lower or equal than the observed ones, respectively.

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Figure 3 Expand

Table 1.

Distribution of ovary- and testis-specific genes within three classes of OL genes according to the changes in their flanking genes in the Drosophila genus.

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Table 1 Expand