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Morphological and Molecular Revision of the Genus Ozirhincus (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)—Long-Snouted Seed-Feeding Gall Midges on Asteraceae

Fig 8

Male abdomen, Ozirhincus anthemidis.

a. Post abdomen and terminalia, lateral; b. Terminalia, dorsal, setation shown on right gonopod; c. Terminalia, lateral, one gonopod removed; d. Terminalia, ventral, showing mediobasal lobes and aedeagus; e. Gonostylus, dorsal (top), ventral (bottom). Aed–Aedeagus, Cer–cercus, Dl–Dorsal part of mediobasal lobe, Gs–Gonostylus, Gx–Gonocoxite, Vl–Ventral part of mediobasal lobe. Scale bars = 0.1 mm.

Fig 8
