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Furin Overexpression Suppresses Tumor Growth and Predicts a Better Postoperative Disease-Free Survival in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Figure 2

Inhibition of furin activity by decRVKR-CMK in Huh7-Fruin cells.

(A) Expression levels of furin, pro-TGFβ1 and TGFβ1 in Huh7-Neo and Huh7-Fruin cells were showed by immunoblot. Gelatin zymography was performed to detect the MMP2 activities. (B) Immunoblot was performed to determine the pro-TGFβ1 and TGFβ1 expression levels and gelatin zymography was performed to determine the MMP2 activities in the absence (-) and presence (+) of decRVKR-CMK.

Figure 2
