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The phylogenetic and evolutionary analyses of detoxification gene families in Aphidinae species

Fig 3

Phylogenetic relationships and gene gain-and-loss events of two subclades.

Genus- specific expansions of CYP4 and Delta occur in the genus Acyrthosiphon. Notung was used to calculate numbers of gene gain-and-loss, and numbers are presented above branches with negative and plus signs, respectively. Maximum-likelihood trees of the CYP4 and Delta genes were developed by using PhyML. (A) Gene gain-and-loss events of Delta subfamily. Most duplications occurred before formation of the genus Acyrthosiphon and are indicated in red. (B) The phylogenetic tree of the Delta subfamily in nine Aphidinae species. Clade for most of the genus Acyrthosiphon is highlighted in grey arc. (C) Gene gain-and-loss events of CYP4 subclade. Most duplications occurred after formation of the genus Acyrthosiphon and are indicated in red. (D) Phylogenetic tree of CYP4 clade in nine Aphidinae species. The clade for A. kondoi most and the clade for the genus Aphis only are highlighted in the grey arc, respectively. Red palette indicates the tribe Macrosiphini, green palette indicates the tribe Aphidini. Genes in different species are colour-coded as follows: S. graminum, green; R. padi, dark sea green; A. glycines, spring green; A. gossypii, green yellow; D. noxia, hot pink; M. persicae, pink; S. avenae, dark orange; A. pisum, red; and A. kondoi, magenta. The numbers after the aphid species names indicate numbers of Delta or CYP4 genes in the extant aphid species.

Fig 3
