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Fine tuning of the side-to-side tenorrhaphy: A biomechanical study assessing different side-to-side suture techniques in a porcine tendon model

Fig 2

Schematic model of the Woven-Fridén tenorrhaphy (WF) (30 mm tendon-tendon overlap) using brown and white strings.

1. Mark incisions and overlap for donor- (brown) and recipient tendon (white) with a surgical pen and make three incisions in the recipient tendon using a No. 15 scalpel blade. 2. Interlace the donor tendon (brown) through the recipient tendon (white). 3. Perform two double-loop sutures at proximal and distal end of tenorrhaphy (arrows). 4. Perform eight running cross stitches at the radial side (R) and 5. ulnar side (U) of the tenorrhaphy. 6. WF tenorrhaphy (the overlap has been reduced to approximately 27 mm due to interlacing of tendons).

Fig 2
