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Predictive functional analysis reveals inferred features unique to cervicovaginal microbiota of African women with bacterial vaginosis and high-risk human papillomavirus infection

Fig 1

Average linkage hierarchical clustering of the cervicovaginal samples based on the composition and relative abundance of bacterial communities.

The colour key of the relative abundances is indicated in the upper right corner. A scale towards blue (0) and red (5) indicates a lower and higher relative abundance, respectively. Rows represent the bacterial taxa whereas the columns represent the samples. All bacterial taxa with ≥0.33% relative abundance are shown. All Lactobacillus spp., regardless of their relative abundances were included in the analysis. Bacterial vaginosis (BV), human papillomavirus (HPV) and high-risk (HR)-HPV infection status as well as the community state type are indicated. Eight microbiota clusters were detected based on Bray-Curtis index.

Fig 1
