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Probing behavior of Adelges laricis Vallot (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) on Larix decidua Mill: Description and analysis of EPG waveforms

Fig 7

Scanning electron microscope images showing exulis morph of Adelges laricis on Larix decidua needles.

(A) Crawler at the larch needle, lateral view; arrow points at the mouthparts’ stylets. (B) Crawler at the larch needle, ventral view; arrows point at the rostrum and the stylets. (C) Wingless sessile female with most of the wax removed on the larch needle, dorsal view; arrow points at the stylets. (D) Stylets of the female inserted near the stomata of larch needle; arrow points at the stylets. (E) Stylets of the female inserted near a stoma and between epidermal cells of the larch needle; asterisk indicates the stoma. (F) Ventral view at rostrum and stylets of the female; arrow points at the stylets. (G)–(H) Stylets inserted between epidermal cells of the larch needle; different resolutions.

Fig 7
