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Probing behavior of Adelges laricis Vallot (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) on Larix decidua Mill: Description and analysis of EPG waveforms

Fig 3

Assessment of the R and emf components contribution to each waveform by plant voltage adjustments, positive (+), zero (0) and negative (−).

Adjustments of the plant voltage during recording. (A) Waveform AC1; 30 s traces, resolution 2.5V. (B) Waveform AC2; 60 s traces, resolution 2.5V. (C) Waveform AE1; 60 s traces, resolution 1V. (D) Waveform AE2; 60 s traces, resolution 1V. (E) Waveform AE3; 10 s traces, resolution 1V. (F) Waveform AE3; 30 s traces, resolution 1V. (G) Waveform AG; 30 s traces, resolution 1V.

Fig 3
