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Probing behavior of Adelges laricis Vallot (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) on Larix decidua Mill: Description and analysis of EPG waveforms

Fig 1

Parthenogenetic morphs of Adelges laricis exules on Larix decidua.

(A) ‘Crawler’– 1st instar nymph after hatching. The arrow points to the crawler. (B) ‘Wooly’ nymphs and females. (C-D) Wax-covered ‘spheres’ of accumulated honeydew. The ‘sphere’ is covered with wax and it often adheres to the insect and the egg clusters. Olympus DP-Soft binocular (10 x 6.3), Sony camera − Exwave HAD (1600 x 1200).

Fig 1
