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High-throughput analysis of lung immune cells in a combined murine model of agriculture dust-triggered airway inflammation with rheumatoid arthritis

Fig 6

Four discrete lymphocyte populations suggest heterogeneity among treatment groups.

(A) Heatmap shows the top 120/N upregulated genes for 5 distinct lymphocyte clusters ranked by log2 fold-change, where N = total number of clusters. (B) The top 5 genes with gene names of each lymphocyte cluster are shown in heatmap. (C) Violin plots show variability in transcript levels among cell populations including T lymphocytes (red, cluster 6), effector T lymphocytes (green, cluster 13), B lymphocytes (teal, cluster 7) and natural killer cells (lavender, cluster 9). The y-axis indicates normalized expression value, log2 (average UMI count + 1). (D) Representative genes from each cluster show their distribution in t-SNE plot.

Fig 6
