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A grape seed extract maternal dietary supplementation in reproductive hens reduces oxidative stress associated to modulation of plasma and tissue adipokines expression and improves viability of offsprings

Fig 7

Variations of the offsprings oxidative stress index (A) at the hatching (D0) and after 10 days of age (D10) and mRNA expression of oxidant genes (B) and antioxidant genes (C) in the liver of the chicks after 10 days of age.

A: chicks from animals fed with control diet without GSE supplementation (n = 10), B and C: chicks from animals supplemented with GSE at 0.5% and 1% of the total diet composition, respectively, starting at 4 week-old until 40 week-old (n = 10), and D: chicks from animals fed with GSE supplementation at 1% of the total diet composition starting at hatch until 40 week-old (n = 10). Results are presented as lsmeans ± SEM. P values of the effects of the stage when the supplementation is applied (TimeSuppl) and diet were considered as significant if P < 0.05. Different individual letters (a, b and c) indicate a significant effect of the diet. **** P < 0.0001 (diet effect).

Fig 7
