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Tissue ACE phenotyping in lung cancer

Fig 3

ACE activity in lung cancer tissues.

ACE activity in 12 homogenates (1:9 weight/volume ratio) of human lung cancer tissues (black dots) and in 10 homogenates from morphologically normal lung tissues (used as controls), (blue circles) was quantified using a spectrofluorometric assay with Z-Phe-His-Leu (2 mM) as substrates. Data expressed as individual values in mU/mg of protein (black dots and blue circles in A) and as mean values for control (blue bar- 28.6 ± 14.6 mU/mg) and for tumor lung tissue (9.4 ± 3.2 mU/mg). Data presented as a mean of at least 3 independent experiments (with intra-assay SD <10%).

Fig 3
