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Calcified coccoid from Cambrian Miaolingian: Revealing the potential cellular structure of Epiphyton

Fig 2

Photograph of section and thrombolites.

(A) Overview of the Cambrian succession in the study area. The white arrow denotes the thrombolite horizon (B) Sharp contact between microbialite and overlying oolitic limestone (dashed line). (C) Stratiform thrombolite comprising yellow and black clots. (D) Enlargement of the rectangular area in (C) to show bifurcating clots perpendicular to bedding surfaces and truncated by the upper argillaceous stylolite. (E) Thrombolites comprise domed mounds and argillaceous interstitial matter. Hammer length = 33 cm. (F) Domed mounds showing the grey infillings and black clots that stack perpendicularly to bedding. Gel pen length = 14 cm.

Fig 2
