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Elevated cellular cholesterol in Familial Alzheimer’s presenilin 1 mutation is associated with lipid raft localization of β-amyloid precursor protein

Fig 4

Elevated cholesterol level in CHO PS1 ΔE9 cells was decreased by the inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis.

(a) CHO PS1 WT and ΔE9 cells were pre-treated with 1 μM tebuconazole for 48 h, and free cholesterol was visualized by filipin staining. (b) Filipin intensities were compared in the absence (control) and presence of tebuconazole (tebu). PS1 WT control (n = 14), PS1 WT with 10 μM tebuconazole (n = 11), ΔE9 control (n = 10), ΔE9 with 10 μM tebuconazole (n = 10). (c) CHO PS1 WT and ΔE9 cells were pre-treated with 0, 1, 5, or 10 μM tebuconazole for 48 h, and total cholesterol level was measured from cell membrane fractions using Amplex Red cholesterol assay kit (n = 8). One way ANOVA: **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.

Fig 4
