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Stomach fullness shapes prey choice decisions in crab plovers (Dromas ardeola)

Fig 6

Cafeteria experiment.

Cumulative intake (# prey) has been plotted on the y-axis and time (min) on the x-axis. Each point represents a crab that has been eaten. For trial 1 we obtained the whole video. For trial 2 the camera failed after some time. The vertical line represents the moment of camera failure. We know the number of crabs that were eaten after camera failure based on the number of crabs that were left after the feeding trials. These crabs have been plotted on the right side of the vertical line. Note that we do not know when these crabs were eaten and in which order. For simplicity, we plotted them in constant intervals to the end of the feeding trial. The birds had an initial preference for Macrophthalmus. In both trials the crab plover switched its prey choice from Macrophthalmus to small Portunus to the end of the feeding trial. The trials were conducted on two different birds.

Fig 6
