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Architecture of Paradiplozoon homoion: A diplozoid monogenean exhibiting highly-developed equipment for ectoparasitism

Fig 6

Mouth border of Paradiplozoon homoion adults.

A) Median plane optical sectioning of the forebody. Note the accumulation of α-tubulin associated with the forebody apical part and buccal suckers. CLSM, IFA-FITC/phalloidin-TRITC/Hoechst. B) View of the forebody showing the tubulin-rich apical end. CLSM, IFA-FITC/phalloidin-TRITC/Hoechst. C) Detail of a uniciliated sensory structure with a raised circular rim and one long cilium. SEM. D-E) A different optical section of the specimen in B) revealing the tubulin-rich border of the mouth opening and the distribution of uniciliated sensory structures. CLSM, IFA-FITC/phalloidin-TRITC/Hoechst (D) and IFA-FITC/Hoechst (E). F) Arrangement of the muscle fibres around the border of the mouth opening. CLSM, phalloidin-TRITC. G) Detail of uniciliated sensory structures in the forebody apical end. CLSM, IFA-FITC/DAPI. A-B, D-E and G are composite views created by flattening a series of optical sections, while F represents a single optical section. black arrow–raised circular rim, black arrowheads–flame cells, bs–buccal suckers, ph–pharynx, white arrow–cilium, white arrowheads–uniciliated sensory structure.

Fig 6
