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Chloroplast digestion and the development of functional kleptoplasty in juvenile Elysia timida (Risso, 1818) as compared to short-term and non-chloroplast-retaining sacoglossan slugs

Fig 2

The number of deaths per day in starvation.

Individuals from each age group (4, 10, 15, 25 DPM) were monitored each day until death. 4 DPM deaths are indicated in grey, 10 DPM deaths in light blue, 15 DPM in dark blue and 25 DPM in green. The relatively even distribution suggests a range of fitness levels amongst specimens of each age. The large gap depicts the differences between the younger time points (4, 10, 15) where functional kleptoplasty is not occurring and the 25 DPM juveniles where short-term retention has been developed.

Fig 2
