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Identification of pre-fertilization reproductive barriers and the underlying cytological mechanism in crosses among three petal-types of Jasminum sambac and their relevance to phylogenetic relationships

Fig 5

The fluorescent microscope observation of pollen germination and pollen tube growth in different cross combinations among single-petal (SP), double-petal (DP) and multi-petal (MP) jasmine plants.

(a) The percentage of pollen grains on stigmas at different hours after pollination (HAP). ** and * represent significant differences at the level of P < 0.01 and 0.05, respectively. (b) A style of SP jasmine crossed with DP jasmine exhibiting several pollen tubes (arrowheads) in the upper position of the style at 24 HAP. (c) A style of DP jasmine crossed with MP jasmine exhibiting no pollen tube in the style at 24 HAP. Abbreviations: PG, pollen grain; Sti, stigma; Sty, style.

Fig 5
