C1q ablation exacerbates amyloid deposition: A study in a transgenic mouse model of ATTRV30M amyloid neuropathy
Fig 5
The expression of BiP protein measured by immunoblotting (A) in stomach tissue of both V30M and V30M C1q KO animals in all three age groups depicting an increased expression in V30M C1q KO mice of all ages. The same was observed by immunofluorescence (B). Furthermore, the presence of the 4-HNE was quantified via immunoblotting (C) in stomach tissues of both V30M and V30M C1q KO animals in all three age groups, again indicating the higher expression of 4-HNE in V30M C1q KO mice. The same was observed by immunofluorescence (D). A&C n = 15/age group/line, data presented as mean ± 1SD. B&D Scale bar = 150mm.