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The brain-specific RasGEF very-KIND is required for normal dendritic growth in cerebellar granule cells and proper motor coordination

Fig 4

Increased number of postsynaptic densities in mossy fiber–granule cell synapses in v-KIND KO cerebellum.

(A) Representative electron microscopic images of cerebellar glomeruli in WT (left) and v-KIND KO (right) mice (8-week-old). Arrow heads indicate excitatory synapses between mossy fiber terminals (MFTs) and dendrites of cerebellar granule cells. High power views of each synaptic structure indicated by arrow heads are shown below. Scale bar, 1 μm. (B) Structural analysis of granule cell–mossy fiber synapses in the glomerulus. Left, the number of granule cell postsynaptic densities (PSDs) per MFT was increased in the KO compared with WT. Right, the perimeter of the MFT was not different between KO and WT animals. MFTs in two different electron microscopic images from 3 independent mice (N = 3) for each genotype were analyzed (number of MFTs analyzed: WT, n = 50; KO, n = 53). Data are shown as mean ± SEM. Two sample Student’s t-test assuming equal variances; **p < 0.01.

Fig 4
