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The brain-specific RasGEF very-KIND is required for normal dendritic growth in cerebellar granule cells and proper motor coordination

Fig 3

Expression of presynaptic markers for mossy fibers and Golgi cell axons in cerebellar glomeruli of v-KIND KO mice.

(A) Immunohistochemistry of the presynaptic GAD65/67 protein (red) in Golgi cells and the presynaptic vGluT2 (green) in mossy fibers in the granule cell layers of WT and KO mice at 5 weeks of age. Panels a1 and b1 show representative images of co-immunostaining patterns in lobules IV–V of WT and KO mice, respectively. Panels a2 and b2 are magnified images of the cerebellar layer indicated by the white square in a1 and b1, respectively. Panels a3 and b3 are magnified images of the granular layer indicated by the red square in a2 and b2, respectively. Bars: 100 μm in a1 and b1, 10 μm in a2, a3, b2 and b3. Images of vGluT2 immunostaining of whole cerebellar sections are shown in S1 Fig. (B) Number of GAD65/67-immunopositive puncta (/1,000 μm2) was calculated by analyzing data from fifteen areas (7,182 μm2/area) (n = 15) of three different animals (N = 3) for each genotype. (C) Number of vGluT2-immunopositive puncta (/1,000 μm2) was calculated by analyzing 26 and 24 areas (2,500 μm2/area) in WT (n = 26) and KO (n = 24) mice, respectively, from five different animals (N = 5) for each genotype. Data are shown as mean ± SEM. Two sample Student’s t-test assuming equal variances (GAD65/67 N = 3; vGluT2 N = 5); ** p < 0.01 in (C).

Fig 3
