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Terrestrial Macrofungal Diversity from the Tropical Dry Evergreen Biome of Southern India and Its Potential Role in Aerobiology

Fig 6

Incidence (%) of macrofungal species incidence during the sampling period (Oct–Feb 2015) comprising the winter season with rainfall (Oct–Jan 2015) and summer (Feb 2015).

Macrofungal incidence is correlated with cumulative rainfall (mm) that occurred, % relative humidity (RH) and the temperature (°C). Incidence of macrofungi was found to be the maximum during November; the rainfall of October and highest % RH (80%) seemed conducive for the increased incidence of macrofungi during November. Again the rainfall during December further supported its growth and persistence throughout the months December and January. The decrease in the macrofungi incidence from December to February can be associated with the decrease in rainfall and increase in temperature.

Fig 6
