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Terrestrial Macrofungal Diversity from the Tropical Dry Evergreen Biome of Southern India and Its Potential Role in Aerobiology

Fig 3

Scanning electron microscopic images of some the selected macrofungal species belonging to Ascomycota and Basidiomycota.

a- Agaricus hondensis, b—Agaricus moelleri, c—Chlorophyllum nothorachodes, d—Conocybe mandschurica, e—Coprinellus aureogranulatus, f -Coprinellus radians,g—Gymnopilus purpureosquamulosus, h—Hymenagaricus taiwanensis,i—Leucoagaricus atrodisca, j—Micropsalliota globocystis, k—Pholiota spumosa, l—Psathyrella candolleana (young spores),m—Psathyrella candolleana (mature spores), n—Psathyrella gracilis, o—Volvariella taylorii, p—Ceriporia lacerate, q—Ganoderma lucidum, r—Phellinus repandus, s—Geastrum pectinatum, t—Geastrum striatum, u—Daldinia eschscholzii, v—Cosmospora viliuscula and w—Xylaria cirrata. Spores were observed in varying size and shapes. Scale is varying for each panel and is shown respectively.

Fig 3
