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Floral Assemblages and Patterns of Insect Herbivory during the Permian to Triassic of Northeastern Italy

Fig 7

Plant–insect interactions from the Middle Triassic (Anisian) Furkelpass and related floras, of the Richthofen Formation near Olang/Valdaora in the northern Dolomites.

A: Extensive margin feeding (DT12, DT14) of pinnular foliage on the pteridosperm Scytophyllum bergeri, indicated by black arrows. Specimen PAL-492. B: The pinnular margin of Scytophyllum bergeri is altered along its blade by margin feeding (DT12), indicated by black arrows. Specimen PAL-523. C: Another pinnule of Scytophyllum bergeri displaying margin feeding damage (DT12, DT143). Specimen PAL-466. D: Pinnule of Scytophyllum bergeri, exhibiting single (DT12) and multiple (DT143) examples of margin feeding. Specimen PAL-513. E: A Scytophyllum bergeri pinnule displaying single and continuous margin feeding (DT12, DT143). Specimen PAL-481. F: Margin feeding (DT12) on the pteridosperm Scytophyllum bergeri. Specimen PAL-473. G: A frond portion of Scytophyllum bergeri with several pinnules, one of which displays an example of slot feeding (DT08). Specimen PAL-469. H: Enlargement of pinnule in the polygon at the lower-left of (G), showing slot feeding. I: A specimen of showing a miniscule example of oviposition (DT76) on woody tissue, indicated by a black arrow. Specimen PAL-468. J: A pinnular fragment of Scytophyllum bergeri with extensive margin feeding (DT12, DT14) one of which is illustrated at the white arrow. Specimen PAL-483. K: Paired piercing-and-sucking marks (DT46, DT47) indicated by black arrows, on Scytophyllum bergeri. Specimen PAL-491. L: Ovipositional damage (DT175) to Scytophyllum bergeri, indicated by black arrows. Specimen PAL-510. M: Several examples of slot feeding (DT08), indicated by arrows, on Scytophyllum bergeri. Specimen PAL-518. N: A probable leaf mine (DT41) on a pinnule of Scytophyllum bergeri. Leaf mine margins are indicated by a drawn, dotted line. Main mine body indicated by white arrow and possible terminus by black arrow. Specimen PAL-517. All specimens are reposited in the Museum of Nature South Tyrol (MNS), in Bolzano, Italy. Scale bars: striped = 1 mm; solid = 10 mm.

Fig 7
