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A Species-Level Phylogeny of Extant Snakes with Description of a New Colubrid Subfamily and Genus

Fig 2

Species-level phylogeny on final dataset of 1652 snake species.

Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic estimate based on 10 concatenated genes. Node values represent SHL support values. Seven outgroup taxa are not shown. Colors of clades indicate their position in the overall tree, shown at left. Newly sequenced taxa are highlighted in bold. Skeleton of the species tree is displayed on the left with displayed subfamilies/families highlighted. Letters denoted by i and ii represent parts of the tree where external branches do not connect to the part of the tree immediately preceding it. A) Anomalepididae, Epictinae, Leptotyphlopinae, Gerrhopilidae, Xenotyphlopidae, and Typhlopinae. B) Asiatyphlopinae I, Afrotyphlopinae; Madatyphlopinae, and Asiatyphlopinae II.

Fig 2
