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Shooting Mechanisms in Nature: A Systematic Review

Fig 21

The structural categorization of the identified shooting mechanisms in animals, allocated based on the energy management criteria discussed above.

Osmotic-powered eversion catapult: observed in the phylum Cnidaria. Muscle-powered squeeze catapult: observed in the family Chamaeleonidae, schematic illustration of Chameleo calyptratus. Linkage and latch catapult: observed in the order Stomatopoda, schematic illustration of Odontodactylus scyllarus. Inertial elongation catapult: observed in the families Bufonidae, Microhylidae, Dendrobatidae, Megophryidae, Leptodactylidae, and Ranidae within the order Anura, schematic illustration of Bufo marinus. Muscle-powered eversion catapult: observed in the families Ariophantidae, Bradybaenidae, Dyakiidae, Helicidae, Helminthoglyptidae, Hygromiidae, Parmacellidae, Urocyclidae, and Vitrinidae, within the clade Stylommatophora.

Fig 21
