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Shooting Mechanisms in Nature: A Systematic Review

Fig 9

The structural categorization of the identified shooting mechanisms in plants, allocated based on the energy management criteria discussed above.

Fluid pressure catapult: observed in the genus Arceuthobium. Swelling coiling catapult: observed in the genus Impatiens, Cornus canadensis, and Morus alba, schematic illustration of Impatiens capensis, Drying coiling catapult: observed in the genus Cardamine and the family Fabaceae, schematic illustration of Cardamine parviflora. Drying squeeze catapult: observed in the family Euphorbiaceae, the Rutaceae family, the genus Illicium, the species Oxalis acetosella, and the Viola family, schematic illustration of Hura crepitans. Air pressure catapult: observed in the genus Sphagnum. Cavitation coiling catapult: observed in the family Polypdiaceae and genus Selaginella, schematic illustration of Polypodium aureum. In contrast to the situation in fungi, no shooting mechanisms were identified in the water condensation category.

Fig 9
