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Basal Level of Autophagy Is Increased in Aging Human Skin Fibroblasts In Vitro, but Not in Old Skin

Fig 1

Increased basal levels of autophagy marker LC3 in serially passaged human skin fibroblasts during aging in vitro.

Fluorescence confocal photomicrographs of FSF-1 cells stained for LC3 (green fluorescence) and DAPI for nuclear detection (blue fluorescence). Scale bars represent the microscopic magnifications as low or high. (A) Early passage (P14) cells showing the general distribution of LC3 in this population. (B) Selected area from early passage FSF-1 cells at high magnification showing few cells and their internal distribution of LC3 in puncta form. (C) Late passage (P55) near senescent FSF-1 cells, and their overall distribution in the population. (D) Selecgted area from late passage near senescent FSF-1 cells at higher magnification showing distinct senescent morphology, enlarged size and multinucleation, and the extranuclear micronuclei.

Fig 1
