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Identification and Characterization of Bifunctional Proline Racemase/Hydroxyproline Epimerase from Archaea: Discrimination of Substrates and Molecular Evolution

Fig 4

Unique inhibition of archaeal ProR-like enzymes by pyrrole-2-carboxylate (PYC; inset).

Reactions were performed for 30 min with the same conditions as those in Fig. 3, except for the presence of several concentration of PYC. L-Proline (for TlProR, FaProR, HjProR, and CdProR) or T4LHyp (for AbHypE) was used as a substrate. Relative specific activity values were expressed as percentages of the values obtained in the absence of PYC (means ± S.D., n = 3). Data for the ProR of T. cruzi (TcProR) are from Berneman et al. [25]. IC50 values were calculated by curve fitting using ImageJ software (

Fig 4
