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Effects of Ocean Acidification on Temperate Coastal Marine Ecosystems and Fisheries in the Northeast Pacific

Fig 2

Estimated present-day ranges of PCO2 (red) and pH (blue) during spring [40] and summer [27] for various depth zones along the outer BC continental shelf, with typical species found in each zone (see Methods).

There are numerous data above 50m and few below 125 m. The number of values in each depth zone from top to bottom are: 70, 116, 33, 45, 5, 4 and 2, respectively. Above 50 m, the distributions of values are skewed, such that high PCO2 (low pH) extremes occur less often than the low PCO2 (high pH) extremes. Data and R code for this figure are provided as Supporting Information (S2 Code).

Fig 2
