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Extensive Description and Comparison of Human Supra-Gingival Microbiome in Root Caries and Health

Fig 8

Core supra-gingival microbiome in root caries and health.

Red field represents health-associated core species with significantly higher prevalence and relative abundance in Healthy_controls than in Patient_cases; green field represents root caries-associated core species with significantly higher prevalence and relative abundance in Patient_cases than in Healthy_controls; brown field represents core species in both health and root caries with no significantly different prevalence and relative abundance between the two groups. In each field, the prevalences of species were at least 1/2. Inner circles labeled 1 contain the species with high prevalence (prevalence ≥ 2/3) and high abundance (average relative abundance ≥ 2%); circles labeled 2 contain species with high prevalence (prevalence ≥ 2/3) but low abundance (average relative abundance < 2%); circles labeled 3 contain species with moderate prevalence (1/2 ≤ prevalence < 2/3) but high abundance (average relative abundance ≥ 2%); circles labeled 4 contain species with moderate prevalence (1/2 ≤ prevalence < 2/3) and low abundance (average relative abundance < 2%).

Fig 8
