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Development of a Novel Shock Wave Catheter Ablation System -The First Feasibility Study in Pigs-

Fig 8

Histopathological Examination of the AV Node after Ablation.

In the sham operated group (A–D), no morphological change of AV nodal cells (black arrows in C) was noted except for slight interstitial fibrosis (D). In the RFCA group (E–H), the thermal degeneration of AV nodal cells (black arrows in G) in the acute phase and fibrotic lesions with residual central necrosis in the chronic phase (H, day 14) were noted. Massive endothelial damage was also noted (E). In the SWCA group (I–L), the degeneration of AV nodal cells, including cell body atrophy (black arrows in K) in the acute phase and homogenous fibrotic lesions in the chronic phase (L, day 14), were noted.The specimens were stained with hematoxylin—eosin (A–C, E–G and I–K) and Masson’s trichrome (D, H and L). Scale bars: 1.0 mm (panels D, H, and L), 500 μm (B, F, and J), 100 μm (A, E, and I), and 50 μm (C, G, and K).

Fig 8
