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Dose Responsive Effects of Subcutaneous Pentosan Polysulfate Injection in Mucopolysaccharidosis Type VI Rats and Comparison to Oral Treatment

Figure 7

Motor activity in PPS treated MPS VI rats.

Two weeks after the last PPS dose, treated MPS VI animals were subjected to rotarod analysis at five different speeds (range: 20–40 revolutions per min (RPM)), and their performance was compared to normal and untreated, age and gender-matched animals. Black columns represent untreated MPS VI rats; white hatched columns, oral 4 mg/kg PPS-treated MPS VI rats; light gray columns, 4 mg/kg sc PPS-treated MPS VI rats; dark gray columns, 2 mg/kg sc PPS-treated MPS VI rats; grey hatched columns, and 1 mg/kg sc PPS-treated MPS VI rats. All groups of treated MPS VI rats (oral and sc) remained on the rotating rod significantly longer than untreated animals (p<0.005). At the higher speeds (30, 35 and 40 RPM) MPS VI animals receiving all sc PPS doses had significantly better endurance and remained on the apparatus longer than those receiving oral PPS (p<0.05).

Figure 7
