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Macroevolutionary Dynamics and Historical Biogeography of Primate Diversification Inferred from a Species Supermatrix

Figure 1

A timetree for 70 primate genera based on mcmctree with autocorrelated rates and soft-bounded constraints.

The tree was rooted with five outgroups from Lagomorpha, Scandentia, and Dermoptera (not shown). All nodes without filled circles were recovered with≥95% bootstrap support in maximum likelihood analyses with RAxML. Black, gray, and white filled circles indicate nodes that were recovered with 70 to<95% bootstrap support, 50 to<70% bootstrap support, and<50% bootstrap support, respectively. The full timetree with 367 primate species and five outgroups is provided in Text S2. Also see Figure 2 (strepsirrhines), Figure 3 (tarsiiforms+platyrrhines), Figure 4 (cercopithecoid), and Figure 5 (hominoids). Calibrated nodes are indicated with numbers and are cross-referenced to Text S3. Paintings by Carl Buell.

Figure 1
