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The Irreversible Loss of a Decomposition Pathway Marks the Single Origin of an Ectomycorrhizal Symbiosis

Figure 2

Maximum likelihood phylogeny of Amanita and closely related taxa.

Support values at nodes indicate maximum likelihood bootstrap (MLB)/Bayesian posterior probability (BPP) values. Thick branches indicate branches with >90% MLB and >0.95 BPP. Boxes along right indicate presence/absence of three cellulase genes: endoglucanase (E), cellobiohydrolase (C), and beta-glucosidase (ß). Black = present. White = absent. Species highlighted in grey are kept as cultures and were used for experimental assessment of saprotrophy (see text). Inset indicates putative role and location of cellulases in cellulose degradation pathway. Colors of branches are based on parsimony reconstructions of trophic status.

Figure 2
