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A Putative Transcription Factor MYT2 Regulates Perithecium Size in the Ascomycete Gibberella zeae

Figure 4

Asci rosettes and ascospores per perithecium of the G. zeae strains.

Each strain was inoculated on carrot agar and was mock fertilized. (A) The perithecia from each strain were softly squeezed with cover slides to exude whole asci rosettes. The picture of each strain is representative of more than 20 repetitions. (B) All discharged ascospores were collected from the culture plate through 14 days after sexual induction. The number of ascospores per perithecia was obtained by dividing the number of perithecia by the number of discharged ascospores. Values with different letters are significantly different (p<0.05) based on Tukey's test. WT, G. zeae wild-type strain Z-3639; myt2, MYT2 deletion mutant; MYT2com, myt2-derived strain complemented with MYT2; MYT2OE, transgenic strain that has the EF1α promoter in place of the MYT2 promoter region.

Figure 4
