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A Putative Transcription Factor MYT2 Regulates Perithecium Size in the Ascomycete Gibberella zeae

Figure 2

MYT2 overexpression.

(A) The MYT2 promoter region was replaced with the EF1α promoter. The left and right panels show the strategy of MYT2OE strain construction and Southern hybridization, respectively. In the blot, lane 1 and lanes 2–4 represent the wild-type strain and the MYT2-overexpressed mutants, respectively. (B) Expression of MYT2 in the wild-type, MYT2 deletion, and MYT2 overexpression strains. MYT2 transcript accumulation was analyzed by quantitative real time-PCR (qRT-PCR) during the vegetative and sexual induction stages. WT, wild-type strain Z-3639; MYT2OE, transgenic strain where the MYT2 promoter region was replaced with the EF1α promoter; P, PstI. The sizes of DNA standards (kb) are indicated to the left of the blot.

Figure 2
