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Genomic Structure of and Genome-Wide Recombination in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C Progenitor Isolate EM93

Figure 6

Recombination on Chromosome I.

Shown for EM93 chromosome I are the positions of the 74 heterozygous EM93 genetic markers (Table S4); LSPs 1–4 (Table S2); the positions and numbers of recombination events in each interval (bar graphs) and the hotspot threshold (—); and the positions of EM93 crossover (•) and non-crossover gene conversion (○) hotspots (Table S7). * Hotspots found in two or more contiguous intervals are indicated with a solid line in-between the hotspots and are counted as one hotspot (-). The positions of YJM789/S288C [10] hotspots are also shown (▴).

Figure 6
