Effects of 16 Genetic Variants on Fasting Glucose and Type 2 Diabetes in South Asians: ADCY5 and GLIS3 Variants May Predispose to Type 2 Diabetes
Figure 2
Association of 16 SNPs with type 2 diabetes in South Asians and Europeans.
South Asians from the current study (filled diamonds, n = 3262) and Europeans from the MAGIC [1] study (unfilled diamonds, n≤127,667). acGRS = allele count GRS, wGRS = weighted GRS. ES = effect size, the per-risk allele odds ratio. The GCK rs1799884 SNP was used as a proxy for the rs4607517 variant reported in Dupuis et al [1] (r2 = 1.0 in CEU HapMap samples).