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Global Diversity of the Stylasteridae (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa: Athecatae)

Figure 7

Various Gastrostyle Shapes.

(A) Errinopsis fenestrata, USNM 52694, (B) Stylaster corallium, USNM 71829, (C) Systemapora ornata, USNM 85117, (D) Lepidopora dendrostylus, USNM 60251, (E) Stylaster profundus, BM 1880.11.25.174, (F) Stylaster erubescens meteorensis, ZSM, (G) Calyptopora sinuosa, USNM 87536, (H) Cheiloporidion pulvinatum, USNM 52648, (I) Lepidopora sarmentosa, USNM 60135, (J) Distichopora robusta, USNM1020570, needle-shaped gastrostyles stabilized by tabulae, (K) Stylaster eguchii, USNM 85143, stereo view showing a deep gastropore tube, gastrostyle, internal male ampullae, and a dactylostyle (upper right).

Figure 7
