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Functional Stability of Unliganded Envelope Glycoprotein Spikes among Isolates of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1)

Figure 10

Relationship between thermostability (T90) and infectivity half-life at 37°C (t1/2) for HIV-1 (PSVs) from clades A, B and C.

Pearson, r = 0.686; P value (2-tailed) = 0.0286 (significant). Identity of Env is shown beside each point. For emphasis, shaded regions designate areas of thermolabile and thermostable Envs. The arrow to the left of the origin indicates the point at which t1/2 = 18 min, which, at 37°C, also corresponds to a T90 = 37°C.

Figure 10
