Honeybees' Speed Depends on Dorsal as Well as Lateral, Ventral and Frontal Optic Flows
Figure 5
Simulated performances of the minimalist ALIS model in the same doubly-tapered tunnel.
(A) Perspective view of the doubly-tapered tunnel lined with red and white stripes. Two tapered zones occur in this simulated tunnel: the first one is tapered in the vertical plane (from 30 cm to 80 cm, tapering angle 14°), and the second, in the horizontal plane (from 80 cm to 200 cm, tapering angle 18°). (B) Simulated bee's 3-D trajectory starting at initial coordinates x0 = 0.01 m; y0 = 0.135 m; z0 = 0.2 m, and at the speed VxoSIMU = 0.13 m/s. The time markers are plotted every 250 ms. (C) Trajectory in the vertical plane (x, z). The time markers are plotted every 250 ms. (D) Trajectory in the horizontal plane (x,y). The time markers are plotted every 250 ms. (E) Ground speed VxSIMU profile generated by the ALIS model based on two optic flow regulators: this profile accounts very satisfactorily for the minimum section of the doubly-tapered tunnel shown below. (F) Minimum section of the doubly-tapered tunnel along the abscissa. Due to the design of the tunnel, the minimum section was encountered alternately in the horizontal plane (dash-dotted yellow line) and the vertical plane (magenta line).