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Molecular Phylogenetics of the Genus Neoconocephalus (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae) and the Evolution of Temperate Life Histories

Figure 5.Total

evidence tree of Neoconocephalus.

Bayesian phylogeny of 17 Neoconocephalus species based on the combined analysis of the AFLP and gene trees given in Figures 1, 2, and 3. The phylogeny was pruned for visual simplification. Each tip of the pruned phylogeny represents a monophyletic group. Nodal support values are given as posterior probabilities in percent; asterisk indicate 100%. The temperate clade and the N. maxillosus clade are indicated by labels ‘T’ and ‘M’, respectively. Branch lengths are not drawn to scale. Asterisks at the species names indicates temperate life history.

Figure 5.Total
