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Mapping Peptidergic Cells in Drosophila: Where DIMM Fits In

Figure 4

Examples of double-antibody stains performed in the CNS of 100 hr AEL larvae to compare DIMM immunosignals with those for markers of 24 different peptidergic systems.

Table S1 provides the summary of numerical results from this analysis; Table 2 lists the markers used. Figure 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 provide more details of DIMM/peptide marker overlap for each CNS region and for each peptide marker. Overlap of DIMM and different peptides varies from complete to virtually none. (A) An example of a peptide system that exhibits complete overlap with DIMM: Hugin-YFP-neurons in S1 and S2 are all strongly DIMM-positive. (B) Of several COR-immunopositive neurons in the CNS, several are DIMM positive. (C–E). Examples of peptide systems that exhibit partial overlap with DIMM. (C) The most strongly stained Ast-A-positive neurons are also DIMM-positive. (D) Likewise, the most strongly stained CCAP-expressing neurons are DIMM-positive (arrow), while the weakly stained cell is DIMM-negative (arrowhead). (E) The dTK system shows only a single DIMM-positive cell (arrow) among many DIMM-negative dTK-expressing cells (arrowheads): it is the largest and most strongly-stained. (F) An example of little or no overlap with DIMM: anti-proctolin antibodies label several hundred neurons in the CNS, of which only one cell type–the Ap-let neuron [35] is weakly stained by proctolin antibodies but is strongly DIMM-positive. NPs: neuropeptides.

Figure 4
