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A Revision of Malagasy Species of Anochetus Mayr and Odontomachus Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

Figure 15

NJ tree of K2P for three species of Odontomachus in Madagascar and Africa (all specimens with >500 bp).

Deep divergences evident between coquereli, troglodytes, and simillimus are evident. Deep divergences within O. coquereli are apparent. The rightmost column of colors differentiate which biogeographical groupings of Wilmé et al [29] these populations fall. WCE-1 = Binara. WCE-10 = Manongarivo. WCE-2 = Mahavelona, Kalalao, Betampona, Mananara-Nord, Marojejy, Anjanaharibe. WRDW-a2 = Akirindro, Ambanitaza, Anjanaharibe.

Figure 15
