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USA needs phasmarhabditis Hermaphrodita

Posted by tschane on 12 Mar 2021 at 22:42 GMT

Organic gardeners and farmers in the US need to be able to buy phasmarhabditis Hermaphrodita to deal with our slug problems. In Europe, it has been a safe, organic and natural resource for growers for many years. In the US we are still stuck with dangerous chemicals, iron sulfate bates -- which also kill earthworms, and a host of folk remedies and wishful thinking. Why must this be? It's like living in a horticultural backwater. I don't want to use harmful chemicals to grow my food. I amilydon't6 want to harm earthworms. Phasmarhabditis Hermaphrodita!! has been found in the US every time it's been sought. It's impossible that it is all over Europe, NZ and the US West coast and North west and not also be everywhere in the country. Please, someone with the means, bring this product to a desperately in need US market!

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