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Posted by GaryPaulMorris on 05 Sep 2017 at 01:18 GMT

In the methods section entitled “Calculating Body Weight Loss, CCAO, MCAO and Reperfusion values” the formula should read:

CCAO (Longa and Koizumi) = 100-((b/a)*100)
MCAO (Longa and Koizumi) = 100-((d/a)*100)
MCAO Reperfusion (Koizumi, ‘traditional’ calculation) = ((f-e)/(c-d))*100
MCAO Reperfusion (Koizumi, ‘modified’ calculation) = (f/e)/(c/d)
CCAO Reperfusion following MCAO Reperfusion (Longa, via ‘traditional’ calculation) = ((g-e)/(c-d))*100
CCAO Reperfusion following MCAO Reperfusion (Longa, via ‘modified’ calculation) = (g/e)/(c/d)
Fold change in PU (CBF) over the occlusion period (Longa and Koizumi): d/e

We note this does not affect the data presented in the paper, which have been calculated according to the formula above.

No competing interests declared.