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50 year Misophonia Sufferer

Posted by RobinRStitt on 10 Sep 2015 at 21:02 GMT

I hope more subjects will be researched before conclusions on this disability are reached. It is not true that just human eating/breathing type noises are triggers. Any noise that a person with Misophonia finds offensive can become a trigger for the anxious, fight or flight for self preservation response, that we are helpless to control. At this time of my life, some of my main triggers are loud mufflers, booming bass/loud music, barking dogs, laugh tracks on TV, to name a few.

And I hope the component of "anxiety" not being present will be reconsidered, when it is a torture of fear to consider going to a public event where the triggers of gum popping/bubble blowing, sniffing, rattling wrappers, talking during concerts/lectures/movies, etc will be present, and the real terror of getting into a trap where you can't get away from it. And if you try to just endure it, the result is anxiety with every remembrance, which I'm sure is a real PTSD.

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